Yun Wu- Cloudmist Green Tea Brewing
- Most green teas offer the best cup when we steep them at lower temperatures than we steep black teas or tisanes, and...
- We steep them for less time.
When I first tried steeping and drinking green teas, I would often over-steep them, meaning I would either add water just off the boil, or I would steep them too long. It is not that the resulting drink was un-drinkable, but it was so astringent that I could only take one little cup, and I thought 'Gosh, I guess you have to pay a price to get the health benefits!" Now I know that I was just not making it the best way possible! With that in mind, here are our recommendations for brewing and enjoying this lovely Yun Wu:
- Measure out 3 grams of tea leaves (approximately 1 tablespoon).
- Place your tea leaves into a non-reactive brewing chamber (might we recommend our preferred brewer the Bonavita Dripper?)
- Add up to 16 oz. of water heated to 175 degrees F.
- Whistle a happy tune as you wait for three minutes.
- Decant your tea and enjoy!
- Follow all steps up to step 3 then...
- Steep for only a minute (not three).
- Decant and enjoy, annnnd...
- Re-steep the same leaves again, but now steep for 1.5 to 2 minutes.
- Decant and enjoy AGAIN!
- Try for another steep or two, adding 30 seconds each time.